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A Menu Lost in Translation

2,353 bytes added, 00:32, 20 March 2022
== Ice Cream with Barrister ==
[[File:Ice cream with barrister.jpg|thumb|upright|We're moving into legal territory.]]
Would you like your lawyer to come along with your order of ice cream? If not, then don't worry; this is just another botched translation. The original Polish phrase is ''"lody z adwokatem"'', where ''"adwokat"'' (pronounced: {{pron|ahd|vaw|kaht}}) is the word that threw the machine translator off. In one sense, it does refer to a lawyer that advocates your case in a court of law, coming from the Latin word ''"advocatus"'', "the one who has been called to one's aid".
{{ Cytat
| When Dutch sailors found [the avocado], they found out that “ahuacatl” in the Nahuatl language means “testicles” because they often grew in pairs on the trees and looked like pairs of testicles hanging off the branch. Being cheeky, they decided that they'd they’d tell the people back home that they were called “avocaat”, which was similar to the word for lawyer. Hence we get the drink Advocaat, which was originally made with avocados by Dutch settlers in Recife.
| źródło = {{Cyt
| tytuł = Quite Interesting
There's quite a lot to unpack here. What does the avocado have to do with an egg-based liqueur? What did Dutch settlers do in Recife, a city in Brazil? And is the avocado really named after testicles?
[[File:Avocado & egg.jpg|thumb|left|An egg and an avocado are basically the same thing.]]
Let's start with that last claim. Is it true? Of course – just as true as the fact that the Polish word for "eggs" is ''"jajka"'', which literally also refers to testicles. Or that fruits with a hard shell around an edible kernel are called "nuts", because that's the English word for testicles, which these fruits bear an uncanny resemblance to. So yeah, it's true, but only in reverse. In fact, ''"āhuacatl"'' is the word for avocado in Nahuatl (the language of the Aztecs) and possibly also a Nahuatl slang term for balls.
But hey, it's April Fool's, so yeah, 100% confirmed!
Making ice cream with ''advocaat'' may be as simple as buying a bucket of ice cream and pouring the egg liqueur on top. But if you'd like something a little more involved, then here's a recipe for home-made ''advocaat''-flavoured ice cream. [[File:Lody z adwokatem.jpg|thumb|upright|Ice cream with egg liqueur<br>Recipe and picture from the Polish cooking blog ''[ Smakołyki Asi]''.]]{{ Cytat |* 300 ml [1 cup] milk* 4 heaped tbsp powdered milk* 5 tbsp sugar* 1 tbsp cornstarch* 500 ml [2 cups] whipping cream* 100 ml [3 oz] advocaat* almond flakes and more advocaat for decoration Mix powdered milk and sugar, add 200 ml milk and bring to boil. Mix the remaining milk with cornstarch, pour into the boiling milk and make custard. Cover and let cool. Chill the cream and whip it up. While still whipping, add the custard spoon by soon, then add advocaat poured in a thin stream. Pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and place in a freezer for at least a few hours. Mix with a fork every hour, lest ice crystals form. Serve the ice cream in bowls, doused with a little advocaat and sprinkled with almond flakes. | oryg = <div>* 300 ml mleka* 4 czubate łyżki mleka w proszku* 5 łyżek cukru* 1 łyżka mąki kukurydzianej* 500 ml śmietanki 30%* 100 ml Adwocaat Dalkowski* płatki migdałów do posypania* Advocaat Dalkowski do polania </div> Mleko w proszku i cukier wymieszać, wlać 200 ml mleka i zagotować. Pozostałe mleko wymieszać z mąką kukurydzianą, wlać na gotujące się mleko i ugotować budyń. Przykryć folią i ostudzić. Schłodzoną śmietankę ubić. Cały czas ucierając, dodawać po łyżce budyniu, na koniec wlać cienkim strumieniem adwokat. Masę przelać do pojemnika do zamrażania i włożyć do zamrażarki przynajmniej na kilka godzin. Co godzinę dokładnie przemieszać lody widelcem, aby nie pojawiły się kryształki lodu. Gotowe lody nakładać do miseczek, polać odrobiną adwokata i posypać płatkami migdałowymi. | źródło = {{Cyt | tytuł = Smakołyki Asi | rozdział = Lody adwokatowe | adres rozdziału = Lody z adwokatem] | data = 18 March 2022 }}, own translation }}
== Apple Pie Guilty ==