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You could explain these doubt away by saying that the more popular a book is, the more likely it is to be worn down to nothing. It's even more true for a cookery book, which was particularly vulnerable due to its utilitarian character. As for the question of its exact title, one can imagine a scenario in which different printers published the same book under different titles, which wasn't that rare a case at all. Be it as it may, some question marks remained.
[[File:O zwierzynie.jpg|thumb|A folio of the manuscript ''Zbiór dla kuchmistrza'' (''A Collection for the Master Chef'') on which, under the . The heading ''O zwierzynie'' (''Of Game Dishes''), begin opens the block of recipes copied from ''Kuchmistrzostwo'']]
The discovery which practically removed all the remaining doubts about the actual existence of ''Kuchmistrzostwo'' and its contents was made about ten years ago by Dr Svitlana Bulatova at the Manuscript Institute of the National Library of Ukraine in Kyiv.<ref>{{Cyt
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