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Of This Ye Shall Not Eat for It Is an Abomination

8 bytes removed, 09:29, 4 August 2022
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Just to be clear, the word "kid" is used here in its original sense of "young goat" and not "human child". Of course, one shouldn't take this literally anyway. It's not just about young goats, but any meat in general (including poultry). And it isn't just about the animal's own mother's milk, but any kind of milk. And not just seething (boiling), but any kind of thermal treatment of food. Just in case, one should never eat any kind of meat together with any kind of dairy products. What do they mean by "together", though? Certainly not as part of the same meal. But what if a piece of meat is stuck between someone teeth after the meal? You never know, so just in case, you must wait six hours after eating meat before you can have anything dairy. And if you had cheese, then you have to wait six hours until you can enjoy meat again.
[[File:Mięsne, mleczne, neutralne.png|400px|right|]]

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