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A Menu Lost in Translation

583 bytes added, 16:11, 24 February 2022
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And that's a very nice theory, especially for April Fool's. Does the word for avocado comes from the Nahuatl word for testicles? No, but the reverse may have been true: male Nahuatl speakers may have used their word for avocado as euphemism for their balls – just like some English speakers calls them "nuts" and Polish speakers call them "eggs" (''"jaja"''). What were Dutch settlers doing in Brazil? Trying to colonise it, of course, but only during the first half of the 17th century, before they were kicked out by the Portuguese in 1654. Okay, but is it true that, while they were in Brazil (or "New Holland", as they called it), they enjoyed a drink made from "avocado {{...}} pulp, cane sugar, and rum", and replaced the avocado with egg yolks once they were back in Europe? That's unlikely, because avocado is native to Mexico and it cultivation was only introduced in Brazil at the beginning of the 19th century, long after the Dutch