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Good Humour, Good Health

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{{legenda|#292B00|Black bile (1 part)}}
All illnesses and differences in people's temperaments are caused by divergence from this perfect balance.]]</mobileonly>
The humour of which we happen to have too much determines our '''temperament''', which in turn influences what we look like, how we behave and what kind of illnesses we're likely to suffer from. A person of '''sanguine''' temperament, that is, with too much blood, has a smooth, ruddy carnation, smooth skin, an oval face, wavy hair and is generally well built. A '''choleric''', or someon someone with too much bile, has a dry, yellowish carnation, dry skin, fair hair with a tendency predisposition to baldness, sharp facial features and visible prominent veins. You can tell someone is a '''melancholic''', with overabundance of black bile, by their dark sking skin that is cold to the touch, a square face, small eyes, narrow lips, dark, thinning and sparse hair and a skinny body. Finally, a '''phlegmatic''' is charactarized characterized by delicate, moist skin, a soft, round face, fair hair and a predisposition to obesity.<ref>{{Cyt
| nazwisko = Osborn
| imię = David K.

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