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Epic Cooking: The Decorous Rite of the Mushroom Hunt

5 bytes added, 12:11, 21 October 2022
Let's start with the saffron milk caps, which Mickiewicz considered to "have the best taste". His friend, Karolina Nakwaska, who wrote a home-making book for women, gave a recipë that is perfect in its simplicity.
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| Take carefully selected, worm-free saffron milk caps, remove the stems; if the caps are too big, then cut them in half. Arrange on a grill over a slow fire, place a small piece of butter in each cap, sprinkle with pepper and salt, and fry without flipping them over. You can use very good olive oil instead of butter. Add chopped parsley and onion. Serve after ten minutes. Saffron milk caps and [other] mushrooms fried simply in butter with onion, pepper and salt, are just perfect.
| oryg = Weź rydzów starannie wybranych, nierobaczywych, odejm ogonki, jeżeli za duże, przekraj je na dwoje. Postaw na ruszcie na wolny ogień, w środek każdej daj kawałeczek masła, pieprzu i soli, smaż, nie przewracaj; zamiast masła, można je napuszczać bardzo dobrą oliwą, dodawszy pietruszki i cebuli siekanej. Po dziesięciu minutach wydaj. Rydze i grzyby w maśle prosto smażone z cebulką, pieprzem i solą są doskonałe.
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