| Saffron, powdered sugar, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, mace, nutmeg, cumin, almonds, rice, large raisins, '''cybets''', small raisins, pistachios, '''pinoli''', dates, '''brignoles''', figs, chestnuts, capers, {{...}} starch, '''tragacanth''', tornosol [i.e., strips of cloth used for dyeing food*], '''musk''' {{...}}
| oryg = Szafran, cukier faryna, pieprz, imbir, cynamon, goździki, kwiat muszkatowy, gałki muszkatowe, kmin, migdały, ryż, rożenki wielkie, '''cybety''', rożenki drobne, pistacje, '''pinole''', dachtele, '''bronelle''', figi, kasztany, kapary, {{...}} amidam, '''dragant''', tornosol, '''piżmo''' {{...}}
| źródło = S. Czerniecki, ''op. cit.'', [https://polona.pl/item/compendium-fercvlorvm-albo-zebranie-potraw,MzQ5MDIzMw/15 s. 4], own translation<br>* According to Jędrzej Kitowicz (18th century), "tarnasol “tarnasol strips, the dyed pieces of cloth which to this day cooks use to color gelatin dishes, and candy-makers to color seets, {{...}} are nothing but the remnants of old linen shirts, knickers, and long-johns."”<ref>{{Cyt
| nazwisko = Kitowicz
| imię = Jędrzej