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Of This Ye Shall Not Eat for It Is an Abomination

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Blood symbolizes life, and the giver of all life is God. That's why blood is sacred and, in a way, reserved for God alone. Back when the Temple in Jerusalem still stood (ultimately demolished by the Romans in 70 CE), the Temple's altar was regularly sprinkled with calf or lamb blood as a sacrifice of atonement. And since the blood was meant as a gift for God, then couldn't be consumed by peopleit was off-limits to humans. Hence, the strict and oft-repeated Biblical ban on drinking blood. When broken, it was punishable by God himself setting his face against the perpetrator: I see you, see what you did, and won't forget it.
[[File:A. Szyk, Kazimierz Wielki potwierdza Statut Kaliski.jpg|thumb|upright|left|Casimir the Great confirming the Statute of Calisia.<br>{{small|By Artur Szyk (1927)}}]]