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Epic Cooking: Supper in the Castle

14 bytes added, 23:54, 24 November 2019
So, not much. All we know is that cucumbers were served on the side. But what about the meat? We're going to have to complete the picture with our own imagination. After a rather light poultry course, I suppose it's time for something more substantial. And as August and September are mutton season, then why not have some ram meat? Let's take the first recipe for mutton that we can find in ''The Lithuanian Cook'':
{{ Cytat
| Marinate a large mutton roast for a few days in vinegar that has been boiled with spices; remove, press out the liquid, lard with sticks of pork fatback and stew on low heat in a saucepan, along with chopped onion, fatbacklard, a few juniper berries, various soup greens and a glass of bouillon or wine. Serve with strong bouillon-based gravy mixed with strained roast drippings and seasoned with lemon, capers or olives.
| oryg = Sporą baranią pieczeń zamarynować na dni kilka w zagotowanym occie z korzeniami; wyjąć, wycisnąć, naszpikować słoniną i tuszyć [t.j. dusić] w rondlu z dodaniem pokrajanej cebuli, słoniny, trochę jałowcowych jagód, różnej włoszczyzny i szklanki bulionu lub wina, na wolnym ogniu. Na wydaniu zalać sosem mocnym bulionowym, zmieszanym z przecedzonym od pieczeni, z dodaniem cytryny, kaparów lub oliwków.
| źródło = Zawadzka, ''op. cit.'', p. 105–106, own translation
And, from the same book, a recipe for "stewed cucumbers for serving to be served with mutton":
{{ Cytat
| Take a few or more fresh cucumbers, peel, cut lenghtwiselengthwise, salt and leave for half an hour. Melt a spoonful of butter, sauté a finely chopped onion in it, mix in the cucumbers and stew them until soft. Finally, sprinkle the cucumbers with flour, stew some more, douse with some good bouillon, bring to boil and, when serving, use them as a garnish for the meat.
| oryg = Kilka lub więcej świeżych ogórków obrać starannie, pokroić wzdłuż, posolić i tak zostawić na pół godziny. Rozpuścić łyżkę masła, podsmażyć w niej drobno usiekaną cebulę, zmieszać z ogórkami i smażyć póki nie zmiękną. Na koniec osypać ogórki mąką, podtuszyć, zalać dobrym bulionem, zagotować, a na wydaniu ugarnirować nimi mięso.
| źródło = Zawadzka, ''op. cit.'', p. 62, own translation
| rok = 1860
| strony = 62
}}</ref> And so, we've got another course that is both greasy and sour. Fat : fat mutton marinated in vinegar, pickled cukes and all of it stewed in lard or butter. This will be accompanied with by Hungarian Tokay wine.
== Fourth course ==