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Epic Cooking: Supper in the Castle

48 bytes added, 02:44, 24 November 2019
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{{ Cytat
| <poem>ZosiaSophie, dressed for the morning, and with her head bare,
Stood quite still, one hand holding a sieve in the air; {{...}}
From the sieve she held, on these heads, beaks and wings fairly,
This grain, worthy to grace a lord's table alone,
And for thickening Lithuanian broth specially grown,
In the housekeeper's storeroom is kept; Zosia Sophie thence
To the household's loss, steals the rich grain for her hens</poem>
| oryg = <poem>Zosia w&nbsp;porannym stroju i&nbsp;z głową odkrytą
Zosia je wykradając z&nbsp;szafek ochmistrzyni
Dla swego drobiu, szkodę w&nbsp;gospodarstwie czyni.</poem>
| źródło = Mickiewicz, ''op. cit.'', Book V, verses 55–84(M. Weyland's translation with modifications)