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• 1461, France – François Villon writes his testament in verse.</br>
• 1466, Thorn (Toruń) – King Casimir Jegiellon of Poland and Ludwig von Erlichshausen, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order of KnightKnights, sign a peace treaty, ending the Thirteen-Year War and restoring Poland's access to the Baltic Sea.
[[File:MemlingJudgmentCentre.jpg|100x150px|Hans Memling, Last Judgement, middle panel]]
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• 1473, North Sea – as part of amidst the Anglo-Hanseatic War, corsairs privateers from Danzig (Gdańsk) loot the ''Last Judgement'' triptych (<big>☚</big>) by Hans Memling (now still in Gdańsk).</br>
• 1473, Cracow (Kraków) – Kasper Straube prints an astrological wall calendar for the year 1474, the first text known to be printed in Poland.
[[File:Kolumb 1.jpg|100x150px|Cristoffa Colombo]]
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• 1492 – Cristoffa Colombo (<big>☚</big>) sails under a Spanish ensign flag in search of a western route to India, ending up in the Caribbean.