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Epic Cooking: The Perfect Cook

1 byte added, 10:47, 23 March 2020
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{{Z wizytą w Soplicowie}}
Once again, we're coming back to ''Pan Tadeusz'', the 19th-century national Polish epic by Adam Mickiewicz. There's still plenty of food and drink in this epic poem to discuss. In this series' previous posts we focused on the first ten books, or chapters; now it's time for the remaining two. There's a considerable difference between books XI and XII, and the earlier parts of the epic. First, there's a rather big leap in time. Books I to X are set within five days of the late summer of 1811; then we skip over all of autumn and winter, right into the spring of 1812 – a spring "profuse with events, pregnant with hope".<ref>{{Cyt
| nazwisko = Mickiewicz
| imię = Adam