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Eat Bread with Joy, Drink Wine with a Merry Heart

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== Plant-Based Foods ==
=== Vege-Judaism ===
Just to recap: Jews are allowed to eat only those mammals which are ruminants and only those fish which have fins and visible scales; they must not consume any blood nor ever eat meat together with dairy foods. As you can see, making sure your meat is kosher can cause is quite a lot of troubletroublesome. Enough trouble to make at least some Jews choose to switch to vegetarianism. This way they don't need to worry whether their food has been slaughtered in the appropriate manner or if the piece of meat they're having was lying next to a stick of butter in the fridge. Some even seek Biblical justification for their vegetarianism, saying, for example, that Adam and Eve, and all their descendants until the Flood, lived on plant-based food alone. It was only after the Flood that God permitted Noah to kill animals for food.

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