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Epic Cooking: Supper in the Castle

19 bytes added, 23:47, 24 November 2019
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| In this paradise, springtime flowers are in bloom alongside ripening autumn fruits. At the same time, violets and Michaelmas daisies grace some perfect season, in which poppies charm they the eye with a "multi-hued show", in which the pumpkin ripens, farmers harvest grains and mow grass, and the feast of Our Lady of the Herbs falls on Palm Sunday.
| oryg = W raju tym równocześnie kwitną kwiaty wiosenne i  dojrzewają owoce jesieni. W tym samym czasie fiołki i astry zdobią jakiś idealny sezon, w którym mak mami źrenicę wielością „farb żywych, różnych” i w którym dojrzewa arbuz, żniwiarze kończą żniwo i kosi się trawę, a święto Matki Boskiej Zielnej przypada na Niedzielę Palmową.
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[[File:Szparagi w occie.jpg|thumb|upright=.5|Aspragaus which I pickled in a fashion inspired by Syrenius's recipe]]
"Disturbed, shaken, uncertain," we begin to doubt the realism of the epic's setting. But no, "such master errs not!"<ref>Mickiewicz, ''op. cit.'', Book 12, verse 710</ref> It's perfectly possible to defend the presence of asparagus in early September. After all, the poet didn't specify that it was fresh asparagus. And the art of pickling asparagus the vegetable had been known in Poland for ages. Here's a recipe for vinegar-pickled cured asparagus from a 17th-century herbal writting written by a famous Polish Renaissance botanist, Prof. Simon Syrenius (Szymon Syreński):
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[[File:Chłodnik, raki i&nbsp;szparagi.jpg|thumb|upright|Vodka, cold borscht, crayfish and pickled asparagus]]
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| Put whole young, well-fattenned chickens into vegetable broth, along with a spoonful of butter, a chunk of beef or pork and cook under cover. Once they are soft, retrieve them, let cool, cut into pieces and remove the skin. Arrange them on a platter, dress with mayonnaise and garnish with cooked asparagus, cauliflower, crayfish tails (which should have been first bathed in vinegar with olive oil) and serve with a cold sauce of hard-boiled yolks ground together with sugar, vinegar and olive oil.
| oryg = Młode, tłuste i&nbsp;dobrze oprawione kurczęta włożyć w&nbsp;całku do ugotowanego smaku z&nbsp;włoszczyzny, łyżki masła i&nbsp;kawałka mięsa lub świniny, i&nbsp;w nim pod pokrywą ugotować. Skoro będą miękkie, wyjąć, ostudzić, rozebrać na części i&nbsp;zdjąć skórkę. Ułożyć na półmisek, ubrać majonezą, obłożyć ugotowanymi szparagami, kalafiorami, rakowymi szyjkami (które wprzód poleżeć powinny w&nbsp;occie z&nbsp;oliwą) i&nbsp;podać do zimnego sosu z&nbsp;roztartych gotowanych żółtków z&nbsp;cukrem, octem i&nbsp;oliwą.
| źródło = Zawadzka, ''op. cit.'', p. 195, own translation
Naturally, if you use pickled asparagus, then don't add too much vinegar into this dish. This quite sour course would have been paired with sweet Malaga wine. And if weyou've got too much asparagus and crayfishon your hands, then we you may also add them to our your cold borscht, as you could see in the recipe for the first-course dish.
== Third Course ==

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